March did not go at all as planned. First, I caught a cold while visiting my dad. So I spent an extra day with him, and I basically just slept and watched TV during my entire visit. There went my lofty blogging goals. I came home and attempted to catch up on everything from being… [Read More]
15+ Books Featuring Strong Female Characters
Welcome to the fifteenth day of the 2019 Love Blog Challenge! Today’s prompt is Strength. Check out the announcement post for all the prompts and rules this month. You can still join the link-up for yesterday’s topic, Cooperation. In case my media preferences aren’t perfectly obvious, Netflix tends to recommend the category “Films Featuring Strong Female Leads” (or… [Read More]
My 2018 in Books: What I Read and Loved
2018 was another great year for the books–and yes, I mean that literally. I did a better job of setting aside time to read. I visited my local library more often while also working my way through my dozens of unread Kindle books. Overall, I’m quite happy with how I balanced out reading new books… [Read More]
What I’ve Been Reading Lately // Artemis Fowl
This summer, I took a break from reading new books in order to enjoy some rereads. I love fantasy fiction, and I love Young Adult novels, so rereading the Artemis Fowl books felt like a relaxing way to pass the summer. Also, is there a better description for books for middle school readers? Young Adult… [Read More]
Ready Player One Review: Book vs. Film
My husband and I both read Ready Player One this summer. Last week, we finally watched the film adaptation. Based on how quickly we both devoured the book, and how often we paused the movie to whine, it’s fair to say we both have strong opinions. Together we’ve written this Ready Player One review of… [Read More]
What I’ve Been Reading Lately // Young Adult Novels
I might be 30 years old, but I still love reading Young Adult novels. There’s just something about teenagers and their problems that both enthralls me and endears me. I’m not alone in this… right? So today’s book recap is all about the Young Adult books I’ve read in the last few months. And by… [Read More]