In the name of true gender equality, I propose we judge all 2016 presidential candidates in the same way we judge all female politicians: By their appearance. I present to you the ultimate guide of 2016 presidential candidates, according to their sex appeal. Disclaimer: This is a completely subjective list, compiled mostly by me with… [Read More]
I Want a Government So Small, It Fits Inside My Uterus
TW: satirical, but graphic descriptions of reproductive health issues I want a government so small, it fits inside my uterus. I am just a lady, with a lady brain, so I need a government to get up in my uterus and tell me what to do with it. After all, it’s not like my compulsory… [Read More]
I am Fire and Light
Each day is a new day. Each morning is a new beginning. All of us have the chance to start something new. We can right our wrongs. We can let go of our fears. We can meet new people. We can repair damaged relationships. We can change someone’s mind. We can touch someone’s heart. We… [Read More]
Feminism 101: Intimate Partner Violence
TW: discussion of sexual assault and physical violence, in objective and explicit terms, but not in personal or graphic terms As a feminist, I care about many issues that affect women. I care about our lack of representation both in politics and in Hollywood. I care about the objectification and commodification of female bodies. I… [Read More]
Reintroducing The F-Word, a Feminist Community
Long-time readers of Belle Brita are familiar with the monthly blog link-up The F-Word. At first I just joined up each month, but I recently started hosting it. The founders of The F-Word have both stepped back from blogging, leaving me to manage our blossoming feminist community myself. What is The F-Word? The F-Word is… [Read More]
Feminism for the Win, in the US and Worldwide
If you’ve been a feminist for a long time, sometimes the battle for gender equality feels like the song that never ends. Seriously, the United States didn’t pass the 19th Amendment until 1920–less than 100 years ago. The Seneca Falls Convention was in 1848. That’s how long it took for women nationwide to earn the… [Read More]