TW: discussion of sexual assault and physical violence, in objective and explicit terms, but not in personal or graphic terms As a feminist, I care about many issues that affect women. I care about our lack of representation both in politics and in Hollywood. I care about the objectification and commodification of female bodies. I… [Read More]
Feminism 101: Modesty Culture
I touched on Modesty Culture in both my post on why I wear a bikini and in my 101 post on Purity Culture. In religious circles, Modesty Culture is a subset of Purity Culture. However, Modesty Culture also pops up in secular conversation and public school dress codes. Then it’s not acting as part of… [Read More]
Reintroducing The F-Word, a Feminist Community
Long-time readers of Belle Brita are familiar with the monthly blog link-up The F-Word. At first I just joined up each month, but I recently started hosting it. The founders of The F-Word have both stepped back from blogging, leaving me to manage our blossoming feminist community myself. What is The F-Word? The F-Word is… [Read More]
Feminism for the Win, in the US and Worldwide
If you’ve been a feminist for a long time, sometimes the battle for gender equality feels like the song that never ends. Seriously, the United States didn’t pass the 19th Amendment until 1920–less than 100 years ago. The Seneca Falls Convention was in 1848. That’s how long it took for women nationwide to earn the… [Read More]
I Didn’t Keep My Maiden Name
My husband and I have been married for almost 18 months. I think that means we’re still newlyweds. I know we still have a lot to learn about married life. It’s not easy blending two big personalities together into one harmonious couple… but we make it work. Much of what I’m learning about marriage is… [Read More]
Feminism 101: Purity Culture
It’s been a few months since I last covered a topic under Feminism 101. It’s been even longer since my post explaining rape culture. If you need a reminder, I recommend you reread that post before continuing with Purity Culture. Purity Culture is a religious subset of rape culture. While Purity Culture is not limited to… [Read More]