Welcome to the fifth day of the 2019 Love Blog Challenge! Today’s prompt is Best Friends. Check out the announcement post for all the prompts and rules this month. You can still join the link-up for yesterday’s topic, Regret.
I am blessed to have so many best friends in my life. Last year I even wrote an ode to my best friends! My best friends are all different, but they share a few common traits. All of them exhibit the most important qualities of a best friend!
What are the most important qualities of a best friend? I’m glad you asked!
1) Trustworthy
A best friend is trustworthy. You should feel comfortable confiding in her about anything. If your best friend is like me, and doesn’t keep secrets from her spouse, she should also be upfront about this policy. Not only are your secrets safe with your best friend, you also know she won’t use them against you at a later time. You can trust your best friend to take care of borrowed possessions, not to flirt with your significant other, and to look out for your best interests.
2) Honest
A best friend is honest. Yes, sometimes the occasional white lie is necessary–no need to tell your bed-ridden friend she looks like death warmed over! Overall, a best friend tells the truth, even when it hurts. That said, there’s a difference between being a blunt jerk and gently offering constructive criticism. Don’t be a jerk.
3) Dependable
You can always rely on your best friend. “Most Dependable” was the occasional senior superlative at my high school, one that caused mild embarrassment to its award recipients. Apparently that’s not exciting, but a good friend is dependable! A best friend follows through on his word. He keeps commitments, and if he does need to back out, he gives advance notice with a genuine apology.
4) Loyal
Your best friend should always have your back, no matter what. And if you’re in the wrong, you should trust him to be honest with you.
5) Trusting
A best friend isn’t just trustworthy–a best friend is capable of trusting you. You can be the most trustworthy person in the world, but if someone else is too suspicious or jaded, there will always be a wall between you two. A best friend can be vulnerable with you. The ability to trust is a key quality of a best friend.
6) Loving
Love between friends is so important. It’s easy to focus on romantic love, but steadfast, platonic love is just as important. Your best friend should love you and be open to accepting your love. And if your best friend wants to go above and beyond, she’ll learn to speak your love language! My college roommate and I learned about the love languages together, and it made our friendship even stronger.
7) Empathetic
An empathetic friend is able to understand or feel what you’re experiencing. She can put herself in your shoes, and then she’s able to respond accordingly. Even when your best friend disagrees with a decision you’ve made, she can recognize the thought process that led to that decision. Empathy allows a best friend to be non-judgmental.
8) Non-judgmental
A best friend doesn’t judge you for your choices, even if he would make different ones. Yes, he will call you out for being a jerk. Yes, he will offer advice if he thinks you’re heading down a dangerous path. Regardless, he still won’t judge you. Your best friend knows who you are as a person. He judged your character a long time ago–and then he became your best friend. He doesn’t need to judge you again.
9) Communicative
Your best friend should communicate well. She practices active listening when you need to talk. She also opens up to you and expresses her own needs and feelings. A good best friend understands that a friendship involves give and take, including in your conversations.
10) Supportive
A best friend supports you, no matter what! A best friend is there for you in the good times and the bad. He celebrates your successes and supports your aspirations. When you’re going through a hard time in life, your best friend shows up. My best friends have all been there for me since my mom died. I couldn’t have gotten through the last few years without them.
11) Encouraging
Encouragement is one of the biggest qualities of a best friend. Your best friend encourages you to follow your dreams. She encourages you to be a better person. She accepts who you are right now while also recognizing your potential to be more and to do more.
12) Thoughtful
Your best friend keeps you in mind. She sends you frequent cards the year after your parent dies, just so you know you’re not alone. She throws a Valentine’s Day party after your bad breakup, just so you won’t be alone. A thoughtful best friend makes kind gestures without expecting anything in return.
13) Respectful
Strong friendships rely upon mutual respect. Your best friend should respect you. That doesn’t mean he always agrees with you, but he should treat you with courtesy. He doesn’t mock your weaknesses. He doesn’t hold your past mistakes against you. Your best friend values your opinion and comes to you for advice.
14) Fun
You should be able to have fun with your best friend! A good best friend is fun to be around. You two laugh together. You share inside jokes. Your best friend shares at least a few of your interests, and the two of you enjoy doing activities together.
15) Lighthearted
Lighthearted friends keep negative experiences in perspective. Your best friend doesn’t take herself too seriously, and she can help you lighten up when needed.
16) Genuine
A best friend is genuine. He’s true to himself. You can always depend on him to be real with you. He won’t act one way with you and another way with everyone else.
17) Self-confident
A good best friend is self-confident. She is secure enough with herself to be a good best friend to you. You never have to worry about her putting you down just so she can feel good about herself. Your best friend knows the world is big enough for many awesome people–life is never a contest between you two.
These are 17 of the most important qualities of a best friend! The next time you’re thinking about your own besties, ask yourself which of these qualities they have. If you’re looking to develop a casual friendship into a closer one, determine if that person has the right qualities of a best friend.
Finally, remember that to have a best friend you need to be a best friend. Do you exhibit all the necessary qualities of a best friend? If not, how can you become a better best friend?
Meet Your 2019 Love Blog Challenge Hosts!
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Brita Long is the pink and sparkly personality behind the Christian feminist lifestyle blog, Belle Brita. On her blog and social media, you’ll discover more than authentic storytelling–she’s brutally honest about pursuing a fulfilling and joyful life even with Crohn’s Disease and depression.
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Kayla Whitter is a 20-something INFJ and Hufflepuff. She works full-time at a local university, goes to graduate school, and runs the lifestyle blog A Paper Arrow. Her favorite things include reading, drinking coffee, eating Chick-fil-A and Mexican food, and hanging out with her hubby and cat (Courage).
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Charlene is a 20-something wife and fur-mama living in Portland, Oregon. She’s a follower of Christ, watcher of SciFi, reader of fantasy, singer of show tunes, and lover of her husband! She uses her blog, Enduring All Things, to help couples build a marriage that will endure whatever comes their way.

What do you think are the most important qualities of a best friend? Did I miss any bestie traits in my list? Leave a comment with your thoughts below!
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