I’d like to extend a special shoutout to all the misogynists who troll the comment sections of basically every article about women keeping their last names upon marriage. Their stupidity inspired today’s satire. My husband and I do not share a last name. We might joke about being the Flongs, but his last name is… [Read More]
Top 10 Christian Feminists to Read
Some of my favorite bloggers/writers are Christian feminists. Not all feminists understand my faith, and not all Christians understand even the most basic feminist concept of gender equality. Christian feminists are my people. They get me. They get God. They don’t try to put men and women into a box, and they definitely don’t place… [Read More]
Feminist Role Models
I found this post more difficult to write than expected. I have a somewhat wonderful problem: my life is filled with feminist role models. I have put together a very incomplete list of feminists who have inspired me from childhood to today, loosely grouped by category. My Earliest Feminist Role Models A list of my… [Read More]
Feminism 101: Everyday Sexism in My Life
TW: gendered slurs I know a feminist dictionary might seem like a weird choice for my first Feminism 101 post. But everyone has to start somewhere, and I really wanted my readers to understand the difference between two easily confused words. Misogyny and sexism are not exactly the same thing. Misogyny is intentional. It is… [Read More]