This is a sponsored post through Adproval. All opinions are my own.
I intended to update y’all on my success with the DinnerCall #10in2 #BillionDinners Challenge after 2 weeks. Except like I mentioned a few days ago, I ran out of time to schedule my blog posts in advance of my vacation. Forgive me?
I’m happy to announce that I succeeded in my challenge! With my husband and with other family members, I totally shared at least 10 meals in 2 weeks while being completely engaged. No TV, no cell phones (except for using the DinnerCall app to track the meal… yes, I recognize the irony).
And then Dan and I promptly went on vacation, during which almost every meal involved our cell phones. How else could I Instagram Disney World or check the wait times of the rides around us?
What did the DinnerCall #10in2 #BillionDinners Challenge teach me?
1) My husband and I still find things to talk about
I know Dan and I have been married for less than 2 years, and together for about 4 years. That’s not that long, in the grand scheme of things. But sometimes I worry that we’ll grow bored of each others company. That we’ll run out of things to discuss. I think that’s one reason I enjoy watching TV shows together. We often have in-depth discussions about our favorite shows.
During our attempt at the #10in2 #BillionDinners Challenge, Dan and I ate dinner almost every night without watching TV. We still managed to talk the entire time.
Our trip to Florida only solidified this realization. Dan and I spent every waking moment together for about 9 days. We talked nonstop. It was wonderful!
2) I don’t need an app to be mindful of meals
When I started the #10in2 #BillionDinners Challenge, I had to make an effort to eat without watching TV. But that choice quickly became a habit.
When I spent a long weekend in Greenwood with my dad, my in-laws, and Dan, I mostly forgot to use the DinnerCall app to track our meals. It helps that my dad isn’t addicted to his smart phone. It’s easy to go out to eat with him and just chat the whole time.
I’m in Greenwood right now. I’ve already had 3 family meals, 2 of which were completely plugged in. I didn’t track either of them with the DinnerCall app. I do plan on trying again today at lunch!
3) Sometimes it’s okay to veg out and eat dinner in front of the TV
Real talk here.
Part of my grieving process includes the random day when I can’t stop crying, so I eat comfort food while watching Disney Channel TV shows or romantic comedies on Netflix. My grief doesn’t just magically disappear when Dan gets home. He comforts me by providing me with more food and affection while watching more Netflix with me.
Sometimes Dan has had a stressful day at work and just wants to unwind with a beer, some Clash of Clans, and a little Netflix.
The key is moderation. Taking this challenge has reminded Dan and me to be more mindful of how we eat our meals. Eating in front of the TV is no longer our default plan. We are more deliberate in how we share dinner together.
If you have not yet taken the #10in2 #BillionDinners Challenge, it’s not too late!
If you’re not yet sold on the importance of making mindful choices regarding mealtime, consider the infographic below.
This infographic focuses more on children, I know. But as a newlywed-ish couple, Dan and I still find value in sitting down at the table to dine together. Quality time with friends and family is SO important!
If you sign up today, and successfully complete 10 family meals in 2 weeks, you’ll have the chance to win 1 of 5 grocery store gift cards! You must complete the challenge by November 15, 2015 to qualify.
What are you waiting for? Join the challenge now!