It’s official!
On Friday, Dan formerly accepted an offer from an engineering firm just outside of Atlanta. He starts in just two weeks, on January 26th.
That means Dan and I are moving to Norcross, Georgia!

We are very excited about this change in our lives.
I’m excited to live less than 3 hours away from my parents, who still reside in my hometown of Greenwood, SC.
We’re both excited to live in a metropolitan area. In particular, I’m thrilled to return to suburban living. I loved living in the suburbs of first Paris and later Manhattan. Norcross is one of many small towns north of Atlanta. Whether or not we actually live in Norcross is TBD, but that’s where Dan’s new job is located.
We’re excited to live somewhere a bit warmer than Ohio.
Mostly, we’re excited to start somewhere fresh and to settle into one city for several years. In the last 5 1/2 years, I’ve lived in 8 houses or apartments in 5 cities in 3 countries, not counting my parents’ house in Greenwood. As much as I’ve enjoyed living in new places, I’m ready to put down roots.
The transition will be difficult, but worth it. I’m staying in Findlay until March 1st to sell some furniture and pack up our stuff. I’ll fly to Atlanta the last weekend in January for an office party to meet other employees and significant others. Dan will fly back to Findlay to spend Valentine’s Day weekend with me. Otherwise, we’ll be long-distance for five weeks.
We started our relationship long-distance, so I know we can get through it, but I’ve grown accustomed to being with him every night. With any luck, I’ll be so occupied getting ready to move that I won’t be too lonely without him. Plus I plan on inviting myself to stay with Libbi and Henry on more than one occasion while Dan is gone.
I already follow a few Georgia bloggers–Elle of Elle Sees, Krystin of Chits & Giggles, and Jenna of Dearest Love–but I want to read more! Please recommend Georgia bloggers to me, especially those in the northern Atlanta area.
If you’re in the Atlanta area, or originally from there, I’m also open to advice on where to live! Dan doesn’t want to commute very far, so we’re primarily looking at the Norcross/Peachtree Corners area. Somewhere good for folks in their late 20s, early 30s since we plan on being there long enough to celebrate our 30th birthdays.
And thank you for all the supportive comments and encouraging thoughts and prayers! It was hard when Dan lost his job, but we are so grateful for the love we’ve received during this time.