I made my very first purchase from Grove Collaborative back in June 2016, which included my very first Grove Collaborative free gift. Since then, I’ve made more than 26 purchases from Grove Collaborative, spending over $400. Certainly enough to prove my genuine love of Grove Collaborative! And yet also a completely reasonable amount of money… [Read More]
Grove Collaborative Review: Is the Free Gift Worth It?
Note: I joined Grove Collaborative’s affiliate program about a year ago. In addition to earning the occasional commission (this post contains affiliate links), I also receive occasional discounted or free products to review. However, I have been a Grove customer for over two years! I spend quite a bit of my own money on Grove… [Read More]
Homemaking is for Everyone
When you think of a homemaker, who comes to mind? June Cleaver, in an apron and pearls… The Duggar women… Your own mother or grandmother… When I think of a homemaker, I think of myself, but I also think of my husband. I think of my mom, who stayed home with my brothers and me… [Read More]
Instant Pot Review: Honest Thoughts After 18 Months
In 2016, I finally bought an Instant Pot. Now, it’s finally time to share my Instant Pot review. I’ve waited over a year to review my Instant Pot. I wanted to use it as a normal customer, not as a blogger–and yes, I did pay for it myself. After cooking with my Instant Pot anywhere… [Read More]