This summer is flying by, and not necessarily in a good way. Constant physical discomfort is unsurprisingly miserable. And that has been my life for the entire month of June. Things are finally looking up, though. I saw a dermatologist on Monday, so now I get to: treat two open wounds twice daily apply two… [Read More]
Monthly Goals -- Why Goal-Setting Matters
June 2016 Goals // May Recap
I’ve actually spent pretty much the entire month taking care of my staph infection and my fungal (yeast) infection. The staph infection first showed up May 6th as a few spots on my face, and the fungal infection showed up as a rash under my breasts on May 8th. I finally saw a doctor on… [Read More]
May 2016 Goals // April Recap
April was very hit-or-miss with my goals. I actually got a ton of work done this month, but only some of my progress actually stemmed from my goals. But every little bit counts! April Recap: For my career: I did not pitch another article to another website or magazine, although I’ve been brainstorming ideas. I… [Read More]
April 2016 Goals // March Recap
Even though I did my best to relax in March, the time flew by! I also feel fairly accomplished for the month, even if I didn’t quite reach all of my goals. Most importantly, I focused on quality time with Dan this month! Considering how stressed I was in February, I think a mostly-relaxed March… [Read More]
March 2016 Goals // February Recap
Post contains affiliate links. February exhausted me. I absolutely overdid it. I’m proud of what I accomplished with the #LoveBlog challenge, but I just did not have a good work-life balance. I also committed to too much, which didn’t leave me enough time to spend with Dan. So what all did I get done? … [Read More]
February 2016 Goals // January Recap
Since I’m hosting a daily blogging challenge in February, I’m a little early for my monthly goals post. I usually publish my new goals on the 1st or the 2nd of the new month. I’m writing about The 5 Love Languages on Monday and Best Friends on Tuesday! I hope you’ll join me for the… [Read More]