I know I promised a week of Thanksgiving, and I’ll resume my posts on thankfulness tomorrow. But tonight I want to write about something more important. My American readers are probably aware that last night, the Grand Jury in Ferguson, Missouri chose not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the killing of Michael Brown. I’m… [Read More]
Feminism 101: An Introduction to Privilege
I talk about privilege a lot. White privilege, male privilege, class privilege, able-bodied privilege–you name it, I talk about it. But aside from the definition I listed in my Feminism 101 glossary, what is privilege, and what is it not? Most of the time, privilege is something you’re born with. You either have it… [Read More]
Feminist Role Models
I found this post more difficult to write than expected. I have a somewhat wonderful problem: my life is filled with feminist role models. I have put together a very incomplete list of feminists who have inspired me from childhood to today, loosely grouped by category. My Earliest Feminist Role Models A list of my… [Read More]
Feminism 101: What Feminists Say About Feminism
Pat Robertson once infamously said, “The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” Rush Limbaugh routinely attacks any feminist as a “Feminazi,” despite once saying that his definition… [Read More]
Feminism 101: Everyday Sexism in My Life
TW: gendered slurs I know a feminist dictionary might seem like a weird choice for my first Feminism 101 post. But everyone has to start somewhere, and I really wanted my readers to understand the difference between two easily confused words. Misogyny and sexism are not exactly the same thing. Misogyny is intentional. It is… [Read More]
Feminism 101: Learning the Lingo
Figuring out the correct usage of feminist terminology can be confusing. Even though I’ve been studying feminism, feminist history, and feminist theories for over a decade, I have still found myself googling certain words and vocabulary. But feminism doesn’t need to be complicated. If you’re new to feminism, I can help! This is the first… [Read More]