You are so gorgeous. The words hit me quickly, quietly. Panic rose up in my throat even as I kept pushing my cart down the aisle. My heart racing, my anxiety spiking, an adrenaline rush of fear–all in a split second, before my mind could even process. Did that just happen? I immediately started second-guessing… [Read More]
Viral Hashtag #PatientsAreNotFaking Exposes Bias in Healthcare
When I was 8 years old, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. How many times have I said this, or written this, or shared this misleadingly simple fact about my life? And yet, while it’s an easy shorthand to explain my Crohn’s journey, my diagnosis wasn’t the beginning of my story. No, my story of… [Read More]
“How Long Do You Poop After Colonoscopy Prep?” (And Other Questions)
I never expected my all-time most popular blog post to be about colonoscopy prep. And yet that post officially has more than twice as many pageviews as my second-most popular blog post. Apparently the Internet likes it when I talk shit about… well, very liquidy shit. So I am back again to give honest answers… [Read More]
What I Believe (and Why That Matters)
Welcome to the thirteenth day of the 2018 Love Blog Challenge! Today’s prompt is Beliefs. Check out the announcement post for all the prompts and rules this month. You can still join the link-up for last week’s topic, Challenges. Beliefs are central to who we are as human beings. For better or for worse, our beliefs guide everything… [Read More]
Enthusiastic Consent: A How-To Guide
To be honest, I struggled with the title for this blog post on enthusiastic consent. My first inclination was: Consent: A How-To Guide for the Sexual Predators Pretending They Don’t Understand Social Cues But that title was much too long. So then I considered: Consent: A How-To Guide for the Socially Inept But I thought… [Read More]
White Supremacy in America: a History Lesson for White Christians
Like many of my fellow white Christian Americans, I’ve been horrified the last few days watching the riots in Charlottesville, Virginia. There’s something quite chilling about modern men carrying the Nazi flag. But that doesn’t compare to the act of domestic terrorism. How else would you describe someone intentionally driving a car into a crowd… [Read More]