Welcome to the 13th day of #LoveBlog! Today’s prompt is Wishes. You can find the rest of this month’s prompts at the original post. It’s not too late to link up for yesterday’s prompt, Marital Wisdom.
I thought about not blogging today.
I thought about just publishing the word STRIKE in large letters in lieu of a proper blog post.
But how many people would have noticed? Who would even care?
Besides, just because I’m publishing this on Friday doesn’t mean I wrote it on Friday. Even my most last-minute blog posts get finished around 1am on their published date.
What do wishes have to do with today’s general strike? What does today’s general strike have to do with love?
Would you believe me if I wrote everything?
I wish for children to be healthy and happy.
What does this look like?
- Access to quality public school education
- Support from teachers who don’t judge their students by their race, gender, sexual orientation, or family background
- Enough food so they don’t go hungry
- Access to healthcare
- Somewhere safe to live
- Freedom to play independently without neighbors calling the police for child neglect
- Life with a loving family who wants children, even if finances are tight
I wish for a future without sexual assault.
What does this look like?
- Not electing a president who bragged about sexually assaulting women
- Not supporting a former president with multiple rape allegations against him
- Supporting Title IX
- Teaching children consent and respecting their boundaries
- Teaching boys to respect women
- Unlearning sexual objectification
- Believing survivors of sexual assault
- Not conflating premarital sex with sexual assault
- Training police officers to properly handle sexual assault cases
I wish for strikes to be unnecessary.
Why are people striking today? From the website Strike 4 Democracy:
As we witness expanded ICE raids, travel bans, Trump’s mobilization on the border wall, as well as attacks on the rights of workers, women, people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, and our environment, people across the country have begun to realize that we must diversify tactics, as protests and marches are only the first step. Strike4Democracy amplifies a new chapter of nonviolent resistance ushered in over the last six weeks by calling for strikes that grow in number and power.
Why did people strike yesterday? From CNN:
Cities across the country got a taste of that Thursday as businesses shut down and immigrants refused to spend money on “A Day Without Immigrants.”
It’s an effort to show the Trump administration how much immigrants contribute to the country’s economy as the President continues his tough stances on immigration.
I wish for a lot.
I wish for so much. To eradicate misogyny and white supremacy. For all women to obtain reproductive justice.
I wish for Christians to actually love our neighbors as ourselves. I wish for all people to follow the golden rule.
It might be the most cliche pageant answer, but I really do wish for world peace.
Meet Your #LoveBlog Hosts!
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Brita Long is the pink and sparkly personality behind the Christian feminist lifestyle blog, Belle Brita. While her first love will always be Paris, she lives happily with her husband Daniel Fleck in the Atlanta area.
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Charlene is a 20-something wife and fur mamma living in Ohio. She uses her blog, Enduring All Things, to inspire young wives to keep God first and their husbands second in everything they do.
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Laura is a big dreamer, full-time marketing manager, blogger, and part-time artist. She aspires to inspire people in their everyday lives and to help them live towards their dreams while making the most of their lives. She has been blogging for about 6 years now and has recently found her glorious niche of sharing her stories, thoughts on life, and daily inspiration.
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Tayler is a motherhood and lifestyle blogger at The Morrell Tale. She loves raising her kids, Rhys (2.5 years old) and Evelyn (1 month old). She also writes about her time as a teacher, her Mormon religion, books she’s read, and recipes she and her husband have created.

Enter the #LoveBlog2017 Giveaway!
I am so excited to include a giveaway for this year’s #LoveBlog! It started 02/01/2017 and runs through the end of the month. US residents only. I love my international readers, but international giveaways are more difficult to manage legally.
I will verify the winning entry myself before emailing the winner during the first week of March. If the winner doesn’t respond, I’ll start the process over again.
What are your wishes for the future?