Welcome to the 12th day of #LoveBlog! Today’s prompt is Marital Wisdom. You can find the rest of this month’s prompts at the original post. This post contains Amazon affiliate links. It’s not too late to link up for yesterday’s prompt, Distance.
For some of the prompts this month, I knew exactly what I would write. But I just spent 15 minutes looking at old blog posts and googling “Marital Wisdom” to figure out what to write today.
For last year’s #LoveBlog challenge, one prompt was “Advice.” That prompt inspired today’s prompt, but I consider advice and wisdom to be two separate things. So I don’t just want to share advice.
My marital wisdom stems from a mere 29ish years of life and almost 3 years of marriage. So not that long! Instead of attempting to offer my own marital wisdom, I would rather share wisdom from others.
I believe in egalitarian marriage. Dan and I are equals in our relationship, and not in a falsely equal “separate spheres” and “cult of true womanhood” sort of way.
Yes, those are references to middle-class, white women’s history. I’m so glad my history major and WGS minor assist my writing.
Here are some of the books and websites that help with an egalitarian marriage.
Egalitarian Marriage Websites and Books
I haven’t read every single one of these books. I also haven’t read every single article on every single website. But I do frequent these websites, and I want to read the books I haven’t yet read.
1) The Junia Project
I have read so many articles from The Junia Project, and yet I feel like I can’t possibly get enough from them. According to their website, the team at The Junia Project is a “volunteer community of women and men advocating for the inclusion of women in leadership in the Christian church and for mutuality in marriage.” While not all of their articles relate to marriage, I linked directly to their marriage category in their blog.
2) Christians for Biblical Equality International
Full disclosure: I guest-blogged on CBE International two years ago.
Like The Junia Project, CBE International doesn’t limit its writings to egalitarian marriage. According to their website, “CBE affirms and promotes the biblical truth that all believers—without regard to gender, ethnicity or class—must exercise their God-given gifts with equal authority and equal responsibility in church, home and world.”
3) Rachel Held Evans
In 2012, Rachel Held Evans blogged about mutuality multiple times. While she has written many insightful posts on Christian feminism since then, her Mutuality blog tag only pulls up posts from 2012. She also hosted a synchroblog on mutuality, which is basically a blog link-up.
Both of these links provide a list of blog posts on both egalitarian leadership in the Church and in marriage.
Book: A Year of Biblical Womanhood
4) New Life by Marg Mowczko
Marg Mowczko has a theology degree and has also completed an MA in early Christian and Jewish studies with Macquarie University. Her blog posts are a bit academic in nature, which makes me love them even more.
5) Sarah Bessey
On both Sarah Bessey’s blog and in her book, she writes beautiful prose that captures my heart like poetry on egalitarian marriage and mutual submission. I wish I could captivate the hearts of my readers the way her writing captivates me.
6) Together: Reclaiming Co-Leadership in Marriage by Anne and Tim Evans
I haven’t read this book, but I would like to. From what I’ve read, the one place where I would disagree is that marriage is only between one man and one woman. However, setting that aside, Anne and Time Evans make a biblical case for co-leadership in marriage.
7) The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert by John Gottman, PhD. and Nan Silver
I haven’t read this book, but I have read much from the author’s website. From Amazon, “Gottman offers strategies and resources to help couples collaborate more effectively to resolve any problem, whether dealing with issues related to sex, money, religion, work, family, or anything else.”
Meet Your #LoveBlog Hosts!
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Brita Long is the pink and sparkly personality behind the Christian feminist lifestyle blog, Belle Brita. While her first love will always be Paris, she lives happily with her husband Daniel Fleck in the Atlanta area.
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Charlene is a 20-something wife and fur mamma living in Ohio. She uses her blog, Enduring All Things, to inspire young wives to keep God first and their husbands second in everything they do.
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Pam is one half of the duo behind The Coastie Couple, a blog that chronicles the military lifestyle through the eyes of a husband and wife. The Coastie Couple recently moved from California to Michigan and just welcomed their first son this month.

Enter the #LoveBlog2017 Giveaway!
I am so excited to include a giveaway for this year’s #LoveBlog! It started 02/01/2017 and runs through the end of the month. US residents only. I love my international readers, but international giveaways are more difficult to manage legally.
I will verify the winning entry myself before emailing the winner during the first week of March. If the winner doesn’t respond, I’ll start the process over again.
Do you believe in egalitarianism? What resources help you?